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Preparing for the SAT and ACT exams is all about strategy.

If you understand the exams you will be able to better apply your academic knowledge.

Our combined SAT/ACT prep program includes:

8 hrs of instruction

2 hours of follow up one-on-one coaching

4 hours optional practice test


What you’ll learn:

  • Fundamentals: That almost goes without saying right? I mean, you have to know how to read to take the exams.

  • How the tests are written: What are common ways test writers present the WRONG answer choices for example? What are some ways the structure of the tests distract students?

  • How to think about the test: How should you analyze the information and avoid common pitfalls

  • Time management: Time is a factor of the test that students often forget. At Smart Push we will help you decrease your correct answer reaction time and help you to get right answers quicker.

  • Stress management: Studying and test-taking are stressful.  We will work with you to make a plan and stick with it to manage the stress.


SAT/ACT Test prep available in Spanish as well / Preparacion para los examenes del SAT/ACT disponible en Español.

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